
The #windows channel


On August 20, 2016 Bryan Lockwood, known as mota, passed away unexpectedly.

He will be missed.

mota was originally known as quux, and pretty much founded the ##windows channel culture sometime in 2003. Later he changed my nick to mota.

The nick mota is atom spelled it backwards. Someone else his old “quux” nick now.

CptLuxx (CET)

blkshp (Greenwich or BST)

Brimstar (Eastern)

Started hanging around the channel in 2010 and became an Op in July of that year. Sysadmin by trade, occasional blogger on, and a gamer. I’m very much a jack of all trades person. As a small business IT admin I’ve got my hands in just about everything.

I live in EST(GMT-5) and I’m around most of the time Monday through Thursday from 7:30-5:30, noon on Friday. Not much on weekends.

JonathanD (Eastern)

I came to ##windows around 2006 looking for help, and over time got more involved in helping others. In time, I joined staff myself. Presently, I’m running the channel with the help of the rest of our crew. I’m additionally part of the staff that runs freenode itself, and coordinate a number of foss events and meetups.

I live in the Eastern US and am generally online between 0530-2100 Eastern time. (1030-0200 GMT. Be aware our daylight savings days are different.) The best time to reach me is early in the morning, right around 0530-0700)

I can be reached at

Mathisen (Scandinavia)

I came to windows around 7 years ago, and I found the channel to be a great way to stay up to date with various windows solusions and problems. became a part of the op team around a year ago. (as of 2021).



Strykker (Australian Eastern)



Please note that all staff are welcome to perform chanop duties within the #windows family of channels. They are not individually listed here