
The #windows channel

Related channels

The staff of ##windows run a number of other channels:


#windows-server is designed for discussion of the Windows Server platform, Active Directory, IIS, Exchange, ISA, sysadmin talk, and IT in general. ##windows-server follows the same rules as the main ##windows channel - offtopic chat is required to be taken elsewhere, and more general windows discussion should remain in #windows.


#windows-coding is designed for discussion of coding and program development on Windows.


#windows-social is designed for off-topic social discussion. Basic behavioural rules still apply and you are expected to be respectful and keep the temperature low, but non-windows chat here is fine.

We don’t insist that you use these channels for talk that’s more appropriate to them, but we do highly recommend it!

Additionally we are aware of a few channels run by other groups which may be useful:

##Powershell provides supports and discussions on powershell, the next-generation command line.

##chat can be used when your conversation is off-topic.